Wednesday 30 November 2016


After signing contract, next step was to get ready for our selections. We visited following display options in order to prepare ourselves for the HOG days:

  • PGH Bricks at Schofields
  • Di Lorenzo Tiles at Castle Hill
  • Home Option Gallery, Bella Vista

It was an exhausting but fun process to pick each and every selections and colours of the house. Collect as much information as you can for your appointments for a smooth experience.

I visited a lot of display houses to decide about the colour pallet for my house. I started from floor tiles selection. Carpet was out of option for us as floor covering. I want minimilistic industrial look for my home so we selected light grey porcelain tiles and Taubman Gemini Silver paint on walls. 

I will update on my further selections in my future posts.


Frames are done !!